Author’s Notes

Digger, Dogface, Brownjob, Grunt is the short result of twenty years of rewrites, slanderous edits, rogue commas, bomb-happy em dashes, and forty-grit dialogue. Laugh and cry as you might, Digger, Dogface,… was written for, and is dedicated to, those who love and support the warriors left standing, and those who cherish the memory of a loved-one lost.

The Editor:
Laurie Rosin can be found at An editor of the highest caliber she is, sure enough. How I found her I have no idea. Her patience with my writing style and her ability to float above the page and see the words that don’t belong and the words that do belong is a talent that few editors possess. Fair warning—if you’re not serious about your writing when you meet Laurie, you will get serious.

The Cover Artists:
George Foster is the best cover artist in America. He can be found at John Kremer at lists George Foster as one of his preferred cover artists. George insisted on reading the book before he agreed to design the cover. Having read Digger, Dogface,… George designed the cover art without needing any further guidance. Mary Foster, his bride, designed the layout and took the photograph for the back cover. They are quite a team.

The Interior Designer:
William Groetzinger accepts an author’s changes with a calm that can only be described as abnormal. Knowing there were more changes in the queue, he stood his post with redoubtable intent. He is fast, thorough, and true—reflow and widows be damned. He can be reached at 1-847-877-2331.

The Book Sheppard:
Ellen Reid can be found at Ellen is a Book Sheppard with the patience of a saint. Recommended by George Foster, she guided Cougar Creek Press, a new publisher, through the production process. Ellen insisted on reading the Digger, Dogface,… before she decided to put her team of proof readers, screen writers, and production coordinators to work. She is a wonderful resource for any writer or small publisher.

The Final Proof Reader:
Pam Guerrieri does not miss a jot. Referred by Ellen Reid as the best, Pam can be found at Fast, thorough, and smart, Pam read the manuscript before she did her work. A true professional.