Court’s Military Time Capsule

3 June 1959, Commissioned 2nd Lt . ,RA , West Point, New York

August 1959 — May 1960,
Basic Officer’s Artillery Course, Fort Sill
Ranger School and Airborne School, Fort Benning, GA

May 1960 — May 1963
1st Battle Group 504th Infantry, Fort Bragg, N.C.
Promoted to 1st Lt, 3 December 1961, Fort Bragg, N.C.,
Basic Airborne School Cadre, Fort Bragg, N.C.
Special Warfare Center Cadre (MATA) , Fort Bragg, N.C.

May 1963 — August 1965
Promoted to Captain June 1963,
Battery Commander Ansbach Germany, 4 / 57th Artillery (Hawk)

September 1965 — March 1966
Artillery Advanced Course, Fort Sill, OK and Fort Bliss, TX

April 1966 — April 1967
Charlie Battery, 319th Artillery, 173rd Airborne Brigade, Ben Hua, RVN

May 1967 — July 1969
Instructor ROTC, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington
Promoted to Major June 1967

August 1969 to August 1970
Battalion S-3, 8/4 Artillery (175mm/8″), Dong Ha, RVN
Battalion Command 8/4 Artillery, June — August 1970

August 1970 — June 1975
August ’70 — Jun ’71, Student, Command and General Staff College.
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
June ’71 — June ’72, Student, University of Missouri, Kansas City
June ’72 — June ’75, Instructor, Department of Strategy, CGSC
Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel January 1975

July 1975 — June 1979
July 1975 — March 1977, Lance Battalion Commander, Aschaffenburg, Germany
March 1977 — June 1978, Asst G1, VII Corps, Stuttgart Germany

June 1979 — July 1981
June 1979 — December 1979, XO, JCS Representative to SALT II Negotiations
Promoted to Colonel January 1980
December 1979 — May 1981, Chief Plans Division, Middle East and Africa, J-5, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Pentagon

May 1981 — December 1983
June 1981 — December 1981, Chief High Technology Test Bed, Fort Lewis, Washington
December 1981 — December 1983, Inspector General I Corps and Fort Lewis

31 December 1981 Retired